September 23, 2011

Simone's 2011 Fall Photo Shoot

I distinctly remember Simone coming up to me this time last year and asking me to take her outside to do "leaf pictures".  I looked at her and went, "Um...ok!" and we ran outside!  She worked the camera way too well for a 3 year old and she's even sassier now!  Take a look at her 2010 Fall Photos and compare them to now.  SUCH a difference a year makes!  She's had a very exciting beginning to Fall!

First stop - PRE-K!  Simone is attending school 3 full days per week this year.  It's hard to believe that she is gone from 8am-3pm that often and that Kindergarten is just around the corner.

Her very first packed lunch!

All dressed and ready to go         ~         "No, Mone!  Don't leave me!"

Don't worry Genevieve - you get to start school soon enough!

Next stop - the backyard for after dinner fun with Mommy and Daddy!  Even though she's almost 5, she's never too old to snuggle up with us (Ok I know I know...I'm delusional....I'm enjoying every snuggle I get, trust me)

Last weekend we went to the Johnny Appleseed festival at Mapleside Farms in Brunswick.  The girls had a fun time going down a giant slide, going through the corn maze, and waiting in looooooong lines.

And saving the best for last - the coolest thing to happen to Simone this fall is losing her very first tooth!!!  We were told at her dentist appointment back on August 18 that she had a grown up tooth coming in BEHIND her baby tooth and that the baby one would be falling out soon.  I was shocked.  She's only four, but wouldn't you know it that baby popped out at preschool this morning!  I picked her up and she was SO excited!  It's hard to see the "hole" in her mouth because the grown up tooth is about 75% in already, but it was quite a milestone for our household!

OH. MY. GOSH.  My tooth fell out!!         ~         Look Mommy, a big kid tooth!

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