September 24, 2012

Walking With Wheezy

In 35 years, I've learned that life takes you on many interesting paths.  Along the journey you meet some incredible people and sometimes you meet them more than once.  I taught music for Nordonia Hills City Schools for 8 years prior to becoming a mom and I had the privilege of teaching three children all from the same wonderful family (The oldest had graduated my building before I started teaching).  I have kept in touch with their mom Sue via Facebook and she's a pro at nature photography!

Sue's passion for photography started when she was diagnosed with an Alpha-1-Antitrypsin deficiency, a condition which affects her lungs and breathing capacity.  She and her husband would often go hiking and when she became out of breath, she would stop to shoot some photos to rest a bit.  Fast forward to today and this gal is a nature shooting MACHINE.  I love looking at her photos! 

We decided to meet up for a nature walk today at the Seiberling Nature Realm.  This was a brand new experience for me.  I haven't really played with nature photography too much.  I was excited to learn where the cool shots were from Sue! 

Coolest part of the morning?  BIRDS ATE FROM MY HAND!!!  I had no idea this could happen outside of Disney Princess Movies!!!??  Sue gave me some sunflower seeds and I put my hand out and they landed and ate.  It was crazy!  I'm definitely going to have to take my daughters back with sunflower seeds in tow to experience this!

At the end of our walk, I got my official "Walking With Wheezy" photo magnet.  Sue gives these to people that have the patience to go walking with her at a slow enough pace for her to keep up.  Trust me, Sue.  It was my pleasure and who wants to walk quickly when there are so many places to stop along the way to capture with our lenses?

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