So yes, I love photography. I love learning about it. I love looking at my images and going, "Why the heck didn't that shot work??" I love going, "Ooo that one worked just the way I planned!"
The biggest reason why I like it? I've never in my life been good at anything in the visual arts area. I cannot draw stick people to save my life. I can't paint. I can't sew. I can't crochet. None of it. Art class was always a horrific experience. My house looks like the polar opposite of a Pottery Barn Catalog. I just sort of suck at the whole "visual" thing...
Performing arts, though? YEAH BABY. That's my first passion. I'm a singer. I'm an actress. I LOVE to be on stage and have been performing basically my entire life. So, when I'm not behind a camera, I'm on a stage, at a karaoke bar, going to friends' shows, etc.
I am incredibly lucky to be a part of an amazing community theatre around here called
The Hudson Players. Hudson is a small suburb right smack in between Cleveland and Akron and it's about 20 minutes from me. I have done two shows there, and been on the board, but more importantly, I have made an amazing group of friends. HP's motto is "Good Shows, Good Friends, Good Times!" and that's exactly what it's all about.
This is a volunteer run organization. The actors are volunteers, the board members are volunteers, etc. The incredible sets are labors of love from volunteers. I had a chance to photograph two sets this season thus far and wanted to share some of the results. This is the set from the fall show,
Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie. It's incredible. The details are awesome.
From a photography standpoint, it was a challenge. I used no flash at all, just the lights on the set.
The Mousetrap Set from the house. The night I attended the show, the bare set itself got APPLAUSE when the curtain opened. It was stunning! |
Shot from house right |
Some more detail |
Shot entering stage left from the wings |
The fireplace was awesome. It glowed! |
Detail of the snow on the windows |
View of the snow material from backstage |
Look at the detail on the radiator!!! Total artwork. |
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